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Diverse Talent Development & Retention

We believe that helping diverse talent succeed is critical for organizations who place the right emphasis on inclusive cultures as a business imperative.

Our Philosophy and Approach

At Crenshaw Associates, increasingly, customers and stakeholders expect to see organizations and leaders who represent the different cultures and perspectives that they serve. Addressing the unique challenges faced by diverse talent requires specific insights and support, and approaches that include majority leaders, to help all executives thrive and collaborate effectively.

Drawing on decades of leadership and organizational experience, Crenshaw Coaches offer customized solutions to help diverse talent to navigate and adapt to corporate cultures while retaining their authenticity to be effective in their roles. In addition, leveraging data-driven insights and cultural observations from engagements, we provide recommendations that can accelerate change efforts in organizations.

At Crenshaw, we are uniquely equipped to support companies in their efforts to be more inclusive. We recognize that differences extend beyond the traditional dimensions of race and gender, and that effective acclimation, development, and learning must also involve supporting majority leaders.

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